Laser Hair Removal
Designed with sensitive skin in mind, our laser hair removal technology is safe enough to be used on any part of the body and target different skin types whilst ensuring maximum results. All of our lasers feature a unique dynamic cooling device that helps to calm, soothe and protect the skin.
Our lasers use a wide beam which allows the removal of multiple hair follicles at the same time.
Our experienced Therapists will take your skin and hair type into account before creating a personalized treatment plan with no downtime.
Laser hair removal benefits include:
- Permanent hair reduction
- Reduce ingrown hairs
- Safe and effective technology
- Convenient and cost-effective
- With every treatment, hair grows back thinner and lighter

Microblading is a technique using a super-fine pen (technically, a bundle of 12 to 15 needles) to deposit pigment into the skin. The tip is so fine that it can create hair strokes that look legit. And the needles reach only into the superficial layers of the skin, which is what makes the method semi-permanent (versus permanent, like traditional cosmetic tattoos). Think of each stroke as a little paper-cut. Compared to other techniques, Microblading gives a very natural look and better simulates hair.
Microblading can last anywhere from 12 months to three years, depending on your lifestyle. A few ways to extend it: Stay out of the sun, since it can fade the pigment, and avoid putting exfoliants (like retinol and glycolic acid) near your brows because they’ll lift the top layers of your skin with continued use—and the colour with it.
Micro-feathering is a form of Microblading. in Microblading, the pigment is deposited into the incisions, resulting in an incredible natural-looking eyebrow hair. Unlike Micro-feathering, which typically creates most of the eyebrow for you, feathering uses your existing eyebrow hair’s as a base and simply fill it in as needed.
What you should know:
Micro-feathering is a little more high-maintenance than Microblading. There has to be enough natural hair to help blend the pigment into your brows. And yet there’s usually a growing-out period of 6 to 12 months so your existing brow hairs are all accounted for.
During the first appointment, Micro-feathered strokes are created in some of the denser areas of the brow. 6 to 8 weeks later, depending on how your skin heals and responds, additional strokes are then added.
How long Microfeathering lasts:
It typically doesn’t have the staying power of Microblading because the pigmented stokes are much finer and natural-looking depending on certain factors, like skin type (oily skin will not hold the pigment), age, and skincare routine, Microfeathering can usually last from 8 to 12 months.

Laser Hair Bleaching
This laser can reach fine hairs that cannot be removed by other lasers. It targets the melanin in the hair shaft and bleaches it, thus making it invisible. This is a unique solution for unwanted baby hair
The laser technology bleaches the fine hairs to give you the desired baby skin. This laser treats any type of skin: white, dark and tanned.
Beauty & Wellness